Mahatma Gandhi Kashi Vidyapeeth
BCA(3rd semester)
MM:75 Timing:3hrs
Attempt any five questions Each ques carry 15 marks.
Attempt any five questions Each ques carry 15 marks.
Note : The answers to short questions should not exceed 200 words and the answers to long questions should not exceed 500 words.
Q1- (a) Describe how are data and functions organized in an Object Oriented Program? Also define dynamic binding. 8
(b) Write shots notes on the following : 7
(i) Memory management operators in C++.
(ii) Manipulators in C++.
Q2- (a) What is a class ? How are objects created? When do we declare a member of a class static? 7
(b) It is mandatory to use constructors in a class? Can we have more than one constructor in a class? If yes, explain the need for such a situation. 8
Q3- (a) What is an operator function? Describe the syntax of an operator function. 7
(b) When do we make a class Virtual? In what order are the class constructors called when a derived class object is created? 8
Q4- (a) what does inheritance mean in C++? Describe the syntax of the single inheritance in C++. 7
(b) What is an abstract class? When do we use the protected visibility specifier to a class member? 8
Q5- (a) How is polymorphism achieved at compile time and run time? Explain by giving example. 8
(b) What does 'this' pointer do? Also explain the need of virtual function. 7
Q6- (a) What is exception handling in C++ and how it is achieved? 8
(b) Differentiate between class templates and function templates. 7
Q7- (a) What are the input and output streams? Describe the various file mode options available in C++. 8
(b) How many file objects would you need to create to manage the following situations ? Explain.
(i) To process four files sequentially.
(ii) To merge two sorted files into a third file.
Q8- Write short notes on any two of the following: 7.5*2=15
(a) Operator Overloading
(b) Multiple Inheritance
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