Here , you will find MGKVP BCA computer fundamental and office automation question paper of previous years

The important notes which is directed by the MGKVP university while writing in your answer booklet are as follows :

Attempt any five questions.All questions carry equal marks.The answers to short questions should not exceed 200 words and the answers to long questions should not exceed 500 words.The time of examination is three(3) hours and maximum marks is 75.

BCA Computer Fundamental Question Paper 2020:

1.(a) Draw and explain the basic building blocks of a digital computer with a neat block diagram? 8 marks
(b) Enumerate the capabilities and characteristic digital computer? 7 marks

2. Differentiate between:
  1. Internal command and external command of MS-DOS.
  2. RAM and ROM
  3. Machine language and Assembly language
  4. Multi programming operating system.
  5. File and directory. 3x5=15 marks
3. Perform the following conversion:
  1. (BCA)16 = (?)2
  2. (10347)8 = (?)10
  3. (10101011)2 = (?)8
  4. (231)10 = (?)2
  5. (10234)8 = (?)2. 3x5=15 marks
4.(a) What do you mean by flow chart? Write its major symbols notations, Also draw a flow chart to find the largest number in an array. 8 marks
(b) What is meant by an algorithm? What are its defining properties? Write the various advantages of using algorithm for program planning? 7 marks

5.(a) Write a short note about the features of MS-Windows? 10 marks
(b) Explain the following:
  1. Paint brush
  2. Note pad. 5 marks
6.(a) Write the various steps involved in the creation of MS-Power point application? 8 marks
(b) Write and explain any three commands of MS-Excel? 7 marks

7.(a) What is desktop publishing? Write about any popular DTP package. 8 marks
(b) Perform the following conversions:
  1. (1011)2 + (1000)2
  2. (777)8 - (267)8. 7 marks
8. Write short notes on (Any three):
  1. Input devices
  2. Batch files
  3. Control panel
  4. Mainframe computer
  5. DOS. 5x3=15 marks

BCA Computer Fundamental Question Paper 2019:

1.(a) Explain the characteristics of computers. 7 marks
(b) Difference between mini and micro computer. 8 marks

2.(a) What do you mean by computer languages? Explain the advantages and disadvantages of each. 8 marks
(b) What is memory? Differentiate between primary and secondary memory. 7 marks

3. Perform the following conversion:
  1. (516.16)10 = (?)2
  2. (CAD)16 = (?)10
  3. (110110)2 x (1011)2 = (?)2
  4. (101011011)2 - (10001001)2 = (?)2
  5. (7654.533)8 = (?)165x3=15 marks
4.What is meant by algorithm? Explain the characteristics of algorithm. Writer an algorithm and draw the flow chart to Check Whether a given number is prime or not. 15 marks

5.(a) Explain the features of DOS. 7 marks
(b) Explain the booting process in DOS. 8 marks

6.(a) Write the various steps involved in the creation of MS-Power point application? 8 marks
(b) Differentiate between DOS and windows. 7 marks

7.(a) What is the use of control panel in windows? Write down the features of control panel. 8 marks
(b)What do you mean by DTP? Differentiate between DTP and word processing. 7 marks

8.(a) Explain the following in MS word:
(i) Menu bar   (ii) Text attribute   (iii) Formatting   (iv) Alignment. 8 marks
(b) What is margin? Explain various types of margin. 7 marks

9.(a) Explain the features of MS-Excel. Differentiate between formula and function in MS- Excel. 8 marks
(b) Explain various views in MS-Power point. 7 marks


BCA Computer Fundamental Question Paper 2018:

1.(a) What is difference between mini, micro and mainframe computers? Explain the working of supercomputers. 8 marks
(b) Differentiate between machine, assembly and high level languages. 7 marks

2. (a) What is primary and secondary memory? Write in detail about any two types of primary and secondary memory. 8 marks
(b) How does a scanners works? Explain with diagram. 7 marks

3.(a)Write the characteristics of an algorithm. Also draw flowchart that computes the sum of first N odd natural numbers. 8 marks
(b) Write an algorithm that finds the largest among given N natural numbers. 7 marks

4.(a) Perform the following conversion:
  1. (276.85)10 = (?)2
  2. (11011011)2 = (?)8
  3. (265)10 = (?)16
  4. (11011)8 = (?)16
  5. (126)10 = (?)2. 10 marks
(b) Write any two of both Internal & External Dos commands. Also state the difference between File and Directories. 5 marks

5.(a) Why operating system is needed? Explain in brief. 8 marks
(b) What is the difference between Windows, DOS, Linux and UNIX operating system? 7 marks

6. What is a Word processor? Write about the different features available in MS-Word. 15 marks

7. What is the scope of MS-Access? How database is stored in MS- Access and different Queries are performed on it? Explain with an example. 15 marks

8.(a) How animation can be added in MS Power point? 7 marks
(b) How graphs can be added inn MS-Excel sheet? Also write about the different types of graphs that can be draw in MS Excel sheet. 8 marks

9. Write in short about following:
  1. Baten files
  2. Control Panel & Taskbar
  3. Block diagram of computer. 3x5=15 marks

BCA Computer Fundamental Question Paper 2017:

1. What do you mean by a digital computer? Explain various types of computers and their features. 15 marks

2. What are the use of secondary storage devices? List Secondary storage devices and explain any one. 15 marks

3.What are the characteristics of a good algorithm? Write a algorithm to print the sum of digits of a number. 15 marks

4.What are the symbols used in a flow chart? Draw a flow chart to find the maximum out of three given numbers.15 marks

5.Write a batch file that performs the following tasks:
  1. Display content of file abc.txt.
  2. Rename abc file as xyz.
  3. Display message ad waits for user to press any key.
  4. Copy content of hellow.txt file to by.txt. 15 marks

6. Explain the following:
  1. Control Panel
  2. Taskbar
  3. Desktop
  4. Icon
  5. Notepad. 3x5=15 marks

7. What is mail merge? Explain the steps involved and its features. 15 marks

8.What are the features of MS-Access that make it useful as a DBMS package? 15 marks

9. Explain the following MS Excel functions:
  1. SUM ()
  2. MOD ()
  3. ROUND ()
  4. SQRT ().15 marks
6. Write short notes on:
  1. Types of programming languages
  2. MS-Power point
  3. Number system. 5x3=15 marks

BCA Computer Fundamental Question Paper 2016:

1.Design a block diagram of the CPU of a digital computer and explain its function and advantages towards scientific computing. 15 marks

2. (a) Write the devices invented during fifth generation of computer system. Explain these. 7 marks
(b) Write the properties of mini and micro computer systems. Support your answer with examples. 8 marks

3.Explain the hierarchy of memory system. Explain it for different kinds of memory. 15 marks

4.(a) Convert the following:
  1. (10001)2 = (?)10
  2. (156.25)10 = (?)2
  3. (101010)2 = (?)8
  4. (128)16 = (?)8
  5. (96)10 = (?)165x2=10 marks
(b) Write brief note on:
  1. DMA
  2. Different Drives in Desktop PC. 2x2.5=5 marks
5.What are the difference between flowchart and algorithm? Support it with an illustrative example of bubble sort on the number set: 5,3,2,1,0,-1,-3,8,10,15. 15 marks

6. Explain the  following operating system:
  1. Windows 8.1
  2. Linux
  3. Unix. 3x5=15 marks

7. What are the components of MS-Office.Explain each of them with example. 15 marks

8.(a) Write down the properties of Paint brush. 7 marks
(b) Design a flowchart for finding the roots of ax^2+bx+c=0. 8 marks

9. What are different types of I/O devices? Explain each of them with example. 15 marks

10. Write short notes on any three of the following :
  1. LED
  2. Control Panel
  3. Task Manager
  4. Editors
  5. DOS
  6. Data Organisation. 5x3=15 marks

BCA Computer Fundamental Question Paper 2015:

1. Draw the block diagram of computer ad explain the function of each block. How is a computer different from other electronic devices like mobile phones and calculator? 15 marks

2. (a) Explain the features of different generations of computers. 7 marks
(b) Discuss the features of minicomputers, microcomputers and mainframe computers. 8 marks

3.What is memory of a computer? What is difference between Primary and Secondary memory? Explain RAM, ROM, FD, CD. 15 marks

4.(a) Convert the following:
  1. (110111)2 = (?)10
  2. (1225)10 = (?)2
  3. (110111001)2 = (?)8
  4. (64)16 = (?)8
  5. (87)10 = (?)16.  5x2=10 marks
(b) Write short notes on the following:
  1. File Types
  2. Drives present in a PC. 2x2.5=5 marks
5.Write the essential characteristics of an algorithm.Also discuss the algorithm that finds average of first N even natural numbers. 15 marks

6. Define flow chart. What is the difference between a flow chart and an algorithm? Draw a flowchart to compute the factorial of a given number. 15 marks

7. Define and discuss the importance of Operating System. Explain the salient features of UNIX, LINUX and Windows Operating System. 15 marks

8. Discuss the applications of MS-Excel, MS-Access and MS-Power point with example. 15 marks

9. What is difference between external and internal commands? Discuss the advantages of Batch file. How is a Batch file different from an executable file? 15 marks

10. Write short notes on any three of the following :
  1. LCD and Plasma display
  2. Accessories and Taskbar
  3. Control Panel and Desktop
  4. Editors and Word Processors
  5. Note Pad and Paintbrush
  6. Programming languages. 3x5=15 marks


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